i'm currently studying for an exam and it makes me SO excited to go home. which is sad cuz this has been great and it'll be super sad to leave. especially leaving my new friends, and i know they all feel the same way about leaving. it's a bummer. but i do miss nashville and everything it entails.
it's gonna be such a good feeling to finish my exams.
tomorrow it's medieval mysticism in the low countries (my first oral exam) which i'm not extremely worried about but it'll be relieving to walk out that door after finishing.
friday it's myth & symbolism, an anthropology course. could be difficult cuz most of the course i was confused, but while i was writing my paper for the course things came together. hopefully it'll be decent. it's oral too, and that stresses me out, so again, it'll be amazing to finish.
the next monday is theology & hermeneutics of the new testament. this has been looming over my head for the past 2 months, intimidating me hardcore ever since i realized i would be talking one on one with the professor, trying to sound intelligent. oral exam. i'm gonna have to study pretty hard for the few days i have before it. this will feel SO good to finish. especially if i don't crash and burn.
after that all i have is an oral for film & literature, but it's basically a conversation about the paper i wrote with my partner, so i'm not stressed about that. don't really have to study or anything. but that's the very last thing so of course it will be cool to be done.
i'm getting so close. so so so close. i will be done with the hard stuff one week from today. can't wait. and i'll be home in a little over two weeks. hello home and family and friends and good ole summer timez. i look forward to seeing y'all.