Monday, February 9, 2009

Nice Belgians

belgians are nice. i say this because on saturday night they were nice to me. so i would know. a group of us followed the leader (which in this case was an RA from one of the other buildings, who is from idaho but has studied here for 2 years) to a club place that was FULL of people dancing (which in this case just swaying and touching eachother kind of thing). not my thing. so i started talking to a group of belgians, who then invited me to come with them somewhere else. it wasn't their cup of tea either. so we went to a small bar that plays only jazz over the speakers. it was closed but the bartender let us come in for one drink. my new friends bought me a kwak, which is like a tourist trap of a beer. it was good but the glass is rigged so that it spills on you if you drink it too fast. i didn't, so that's good. before i left they wrote their names down so we can be friends on facebook. noice. on the way back to my house, i walked with one of the guys who lived in the same direction, and i found a bike in the middle of the street that a drunk high schooler threw there. i took it home but it's terrible. so i left it outside yesterday. yesterday was less exciting, just woke up late walked around town figured out classes, etc.

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