Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hastily Shot Photos in Leuven

ginormous library which i have not been inside yet

a monument i guess you'd call it, in the courtyard in front of the library

inside a ginormous church

pretty sure this is the aforementioned ginormous church

view outside our room window


  1. dude these are great. it looks like they are making a "Death to all insects" statement with that monument thing. well it looks like you're exploring a lot. keep up the pictures man. don't hesitate making your stories sound a lot more epic than they really are. l8ers.

  2. haha, yeah the monument is kind of weird. it was in celebration of the library, and our tour guide said it was like "nature's inherent knowledge" to contrast with the library's display of man's acquired knowledge or whatever. i'm exploring somewhat, it's all been in the confines of some group or another, large or small. but all the same, it's been pretty sweet seeing all of this and knowing that it's right out the door. i'll try to make things as epic as possible. thanks for the tip. hahaha.
